More than half a thousand interventions on heritage assets are our letter of introduction. Architecture, restoration, history, design, landscaping, and technology go hand in hand in our projects. We restore monuments, but we also consider their history, environment, and evolution so that each project is a genuine cultural and development project.

¡Look at our work!


Master plans, site management, and restoration projects

Our experience is the best guarantee of the quality development of any restoration project or project management in the field of heritage. We offer you more than 40 years of experience and in-depth knowledge of all heritage assets’ characteristics. We can help you to outline a master plan based on the heritage asset’s predevelopment studies, which allows you to act with guarantees to carry out the most appropriate intervention based on its past, taking into account the present and thinking about the future. The master plans coordinate, coherently and under similar intervention criteria, the different phases of intervention on the property.


Territorial Plans

Hemos desarrollado un modelo de intervención que cuida del patrimonio, desde la implicación de las personas que le dan vida y como recurso generador de desarrollo en los territorios. Planes como Románico Norte o Románico Atlántico, se basan en la colaboración público We have developed a model of intervention that takes care of heritage, based on the involvement of the people who give it life and as a resource that generates development in the territories. Plans such as Románico Norte or Románico Atlántico are based on public-private collaboration to dynamize a whole region, starting from its heritage. Integral strategies of intervention in the territory, developing aspects of restoration in Movable and Immovable Goods, Technical Office, Work Management, Health and Safety Coordination, Cultural Projects, Dissemination Plans, Communication, Training and Process Management.


Monumental Lighting

We take care of our heritage, want it to be efficient, and minimize the interventions’ impact. That is why we specialize in monumental lighting, adapted, conceived, and designed to show each building’s true essence.






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